The Culture of Machines

A podcast about
Responsible AI x Culture

The Culture of Machines is your next must-listen AI podcast, exploring key questions about responsible AI and its intersections with culture, people, and society.


Episode 1 with Sharon Zhang CTO Personal AI

Can AI be built to benefit society and the individual?

Alex and Sharon Zhang, CTO and Co-Founder of Personal AI, discuss building a consumer AI company before the ChatGPT tsunami, explainability, AI applications for good, and impact on society and individuals.Guest favorite(s): “Originals: How Non-Conformists Move the World” by Adam Grant


Gerald Carter Founder and CEO of Destined AI profile picture on putple background

Is there a human cost to [mitigating] AI bias?

Alex chats with Gerald Carter, CEO and Founder of Destined AI, about the importance of de-biasing data, the power of language, and what it means to generate diverse, consented data at scale.Guest favorite(s): Coded Bias documentary and
"Weapons of Math Destruction" by Cathy O'Neil


guest sabrina palme. ceo of palqee on purple gradient background.

Does data governance and responsible AI intersect?

Alex and Sabrina Palme, CEO and Co-Founder of Palqee, discuss the relationship between AI and privacy compliance, her unique approach to data governance, navigating responsible AI foundations in light of recent legislation, and share predictions about the future of work.


Josh Schwartz podcast guest on gradient purple background, wearing black tshirt.

Is trust the currency of AI?

Alex explores the intersections of ethics, privacy, and AI with Josh Schwartz, CEO and Founder of Phaselab. In this episode, Josh shares the challenges and risks around operationalizing ethics in a for-profit business, prioritizing responsible AI in early stage companies, and responsibility in the context of privacy x AI.


Is it enough for AI to "do no harm"?

Alex speaks with Nana Nwachukwu, AI Governance and Ethics Consultant at Saidot, about evaluating and operationalizing AI governance, the call for AI to "do good," and the challenges to transparency in AI systems, particularly in the creator economy and healthcare.


purple background and guest speaker in foreground

How can AI augment civic spaces?

Alex chats with Sarah Lawrence, Design Director at Design Emporium and Founder of Tallymade, about driving civic engagement through the creation of AI-powered collective art, preserving creativity in the age of AI art, and designing for everyday utility, like generating recipes for eliminating food waste, or efficient errand mapping.


Does social ethical AI exist?


about the show

The world's first responsible AI x culture podcast

Welcome to The Culture of Machines, the podcast where we unpack the biggest questions facing responsible AI today.Hosted by Alex de Aranzeta, we'll explore the implications of AI across business, privacy, ethics, art, industry, and human rights.We'll also uncover the fascinating stories of people and organizations building, using, and advancing AI for social good and driving positive change.Explore our library of thought-provoking episodes, framed as questions, that reveal the biggest opportunities facing responsible AI today. Whether you're a founder, product leader, culture maven, or simply AI-curious, you'll find a question worth exploring.

Meet the host

Alex de Aranzeta, MA, JD (she/her) is a former Civil Rights practitioner and award-winning Language Access policy builder. With a background in regulatory enforcement and anti-discrimination policy, she's built and led civil rights and diversity compliance and governance across, government, higher ed, and enterprise for teams of 50 to 50,000. For the last 5 years, Alex has advised venture-backed startups and CEOs on GTM and storytelling strategy, and operationalizing equitable practices across teams, products, and communities.

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The Culture of Machines

© 2023-2024 Accessity LLC. All rights reserved.

Responsible AI Statement


Updated 8/2024As a responsible AI speaker, startup advisor, and professional in AI bias and discrimination, Alex is committed to modeling transparency by explaining the core AI tools she uses and how she uses them in producing The Culture of Machines podcast.Understanding that AI tools are rapidly maturing— and that Alex is continuously learning about and testing new tools—she takes an iterative approach regarding the use of AI tools when marketing and producing this podcast. This means that a tool she may have used in the past or is using at present may no longer be used tomorrow, next week, or in the future. From time to time, Alex may use ChatGPT for brainstorming or reference. She also uses Riverside to record the podcast and generate summaries and show notes, which she will adapt in her own voice. Alex performs extensive due diligence and leverages her investigative skills by cross-referencing outputs with verifiable sources.At no time does Alex utilize the assistance of AI to draft or co-draft guest scripts. Further, Alex does not input personal or proprietary information into ChatGPT.Listen to The Culture of Machines episodes